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All rifle bays will be closed 12/11-12/17 for maintenance.

BTO Range & training Center

about the range

BTO Range & Training Center, under the old name Shooter’s Station, has been a mainstay in the Conroe/Montgomery area for almost 30 years. Initially just a small gun store with an indoor pistol range by 2010 it had developed into a significant firearm and shooting sports retail centerboasting the area’s largest 100-yard indoor rifle range.

BTO Range & training Center

the range

BTO Range & Training Center, under the old name Shooter’s Station, has been a mainstay in the Conroe/Montgomery area for almost 30 years. Initially just a small gun store with an indoor pistol range by 2010 it had developed into a significant firearm and shooting sports retail centerboasting the area’s largest 100-yard indoor rifle range.

evolution of the range

In 2021 Shooter’s Station became a part of the Big Tex Ordnance family, establishing BTO Range & Training Center alongside Big Tex Ordnance, BTO Gear and BTO Dealers. Our brick-and-mortar retail store has expanded into newer tactical brands while still maintaining our core hunter and sportsman inventory. We have increased our manufacturer-direct relationships across the industry with brands like Browning, Beretta, Kimber, Heckler & Koch and SIG-Sauer.

experts of the industry

The Training Center part of our name is serious business. Our full-time staff includes credentialed instructors in rifle and pistol and even medical disciplines. We host multiple nationally recognized outside instructors throughout the year. We host Texas License to Carry and Texas Hunter’s Education classes frequently. A full listing of upcoming training and events can be found under that tab on this website.

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